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493 lines
Sub SetApplicationsText ()
Dim Text As String, crlf As String
crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Applications(0) = ApplicationsText
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = Text + "Real Time Financial Swap Trading/Hedging System"
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = "System automates the pricing, marking to market, and hedging of a portfolio of financial "
Text = Text + "swaps. In addition, there is a live link to market data via a network server. And finally, "
Text = Text + "daily profit and loss information is uploaded to the mainframe for comparison to the back "
Text = Text + "office system. "
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = Text + "This application utilizes a number of advanced Excel features such as access to external "
Text = Text + "databases through macro driven SQL statements passed to Q+E via DDE calls. It also "
Text = Text + "incorporates a set of DLL routines written in 'C' accessible via macro linkage."
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = Text + "The system is deployed globally. Users reside in New York, London, and Tokyo."
Applications(1) = Text
Text = Text + "Client Presentation System"
Text = "Developed for an investment management firm in Boston as a marketing tool, this system "
Text = Text + "enables the principals of the firm to communicate their approach to money management "
Text = Text + "by interactively developing a number of scenario based horizon analyses at the client's "
Text = Text + "location. The application was developed using Excel and runs on a 16 mhz 386SX "
Text = Text + "portable computer. The client is able to:"
Text = Text + crlf + crlf + " * establish his or her view of future interest and foreign exchange rates;"
Text = Text + crlf + crlf + " * develop a model portfolio of multi-currency fixed income securities;"
Text = Text + crlf + crlf + " * pick a currency allocation (i.e. how the clients portfolio should be distributed by currency), and"
Text = Text + crlf + crlf + " * select a horizon period."
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = Text + "These choices are then used to forecast the value of the portfolio at the horizon and break "
Text = Text + "the results down between returns earned from bonds vs. currency speculation. Using a "
Text = Text + "library of DLLs, the system is able to produce horizon results in a matter of seconds. The "
Text = Text + "client can then easily modify the financial scenario and portfolio, rerun the analysis, and "
Text = Text + "compare the results of one run to another. This application relies heavily on the use of "
Text = Text + "charts which depict client vs market views, and horizon analysis results."
Applications(2) = Text
Text = Text + "Liability Management System"
Text = "Developed as a marketing tool for a major New York investment banking firm, the "
Text = Text + "system is used to evaluate portfolios of debt obligation. Different types of debt "
Text = Text + "instruments are modeled to measure a common set of results and test alternative "
Text = Text + "strategies. Using this system, the investment banking firm has been able to show clients "
Text = Text + "how they can restructure debt service in order to lower costs and improve overall "
Text = Text + "corporate profitability. The firm uses the application in its New York, London, and "
Text = Text + "Tokyo offices. "
Applications(3) = Text
Text = Text + "Asset Based Swap System"
Text = "A state of the art system which prices and values a number of complex synthetic "
Text = Text + "securities. The application handles various financial structures which are derived by "
Text = Text + "coupling an asset (e.g. a corporate bond) with a swap. By doing this, synthetic floating "
Text = Text + "rate or fixed rate instruments can be created and marketed to the investment community. "
Text = Text + crlf + crlf
Text = Text + "The system relies heavy on 'C' written subroutines called from Excel macros. In "
Text = Text + "addition, several calculators have been incorporated into the system. These allow the "
Text = Text + "trader to quickly determine the trade-offs which exist between the costs of individual "
Text = Text + "structure components and the final price for the package. This unique and powerful "
Text = Text + "feature enables the client to respond quickly to market movements in order to lock in "
Text = Text + "profit on prospective deals."
Applications(4) = Text
Text = Text + "Financial Allocation System"
Text = "Developed for one of the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOC), this system "
Text = Text + "compares corporate financial results under varying common cost assumptions. As a result "
Text = Text + "of FCC regulations, all RBOCs are required to allocate expenses which are common to "
Text = Text + "their regulated and non-regulated companies in a prescribed way. Unfortunately, these "
Text = Text + "allocation rules are not always consistent with true economic costs. This Excel system "
Text = Text + "enables the client to change allocation assumptions quickly and measure the results for "
Text = Text + "the regulated, unregulated and total corporate financials. The system is used by the "
Text = Text + "marketing organization in order to determine the financial impact of providing "
Text = Text + "unregulated services. Financial statements are constructed reflecting varying views and "
Text = Text + "scenarios."
Applications(5) = Text
Text = Text + "Profit and Loss Analysis System"
Text = "This system was developed in order to compare the back office and trading desk views of "
Text = Text + "financial interest rate and currency swap profit and loss. It retrieves and reconciles data "
Text = Text + "from a mainframe back office system and a PC-based trading system. Spot data for two "
Text = Text + "points in time (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) from each system is linked together and "
Text = Text + "compared for each transaction. The transactions can then be organized in any order. "
Text = Text + "Transactions with large back office/trading desk discrepancies are viewed using a ZOOM "
Text = Text + "feature, where all of the relevant data associated with a suspicious trade can be "
Text = Text + "instantaneously transferred to an analysis model. From there, a determination of probable "
Text = Text + "errors is made, with resulting corrections implemented. The system has increased the "
Text = Text + "client's ability to control the trading operation."
Applications(6) = Text
Text = Text + "LDC Debt Trading and Analysis System"
Text = "One of the first of its kind, this system keeps track LDC debt trading activity and interest "
Text = Text + "information, and generates daily profit/ loss reports. In addition to monitoring trading "
Text = Text + "activity, the system maintains a database of information for securities, daily marks, "
Text = Text + "accrued interest, financing data, payments/receipts, and counterparty/ contact listings. "
Text = Text + "Written in Excel and using DDE to communicate with Q+E, the system updates various "
Text = Text + "database files in such a manner that the data can be combined, segmented and analyzed in "
Text = Text + "a number of ways without sacrificing the integrity of the original data. After daily "
Text = Text + "profit/loss statements are produced, the system generates detailed interest accounting "
Text = Text + "reports which are uploaded to the mainframe accounting system."
Applications(7) = Text
Text = Text + "P&L SWAP Reconciliation System"
Text = "Excel-based system used to reconcile all weekly profit/loss di